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Dispatch ranger bear Shirt

Ảnh của tác giả: meri elisemeri elise

in our culture are often viewed as “objects” & judge only by that. Men can get away with a lot more varied body types because they aren’t objectified even close to the point that we women are. I used to get objectified until after I had kids. Pregnancy with my kids pretty much mangled my body & I’m now “too fat” for most men to be interested in. Honestly, it’s been pretty freeing. No more sexual harassment…. No more having to try & get a guy who’s “fantasizing” about me to fuck off in a way that doesn’t piss him off & come after me for saying “no” or ghosting him. I can walk around without worrying about it. Please know that it’s not the women who would like to go about their lives without getting stalked that are the problem. Nor is it the Dispatch ranger bear Shirt who don’t fit within the “standard” category of what our society has deemed “acceptable” for beauty. It’s perpetuated misogyny that we have been fighting against for years that is the problem.


Pretty privilege is real. I’m the Ken I am Kenough art new design shirt” so I’ve seen the benefits of that privilege granted to my friends with my own eyes, right in front of my face too many times to count. I myself feel like because of my weight, I am considered “ugly.” I’ve never had a man pursue me for a romantic relationship because they are only interested in using me for sex (men always think that because I’m fat, I will therefore take whatever attention I’m granted), I’m also ignored at any type of party or event. Both ugly and beautiful women have so many unique aspects and so much depth. Human beings are so multi-faceted and capable regardless of the shapes of their faces or the colors of their eyes. It’s a great tragedy that no matter how funny, intelligent, accomplished, etc. a Ken I am Kenough art new design shirt is—her worth will always be based on her looks as long as patriarchy continues. Pretty women, I recognize your struggle but you do nothing to help your fellow women around you by diminishing their struggles—they are subjected to a type of prejudice, and sometimes violence, you will never experience. No woman wants to be catcalled, but ugly women do want to have chances to be just as loved and cared for as you are.

homepage: Herlayprint



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