This post is bringing back so many memories. Since I was tween, when me and my sister would walk together down the Patriotic Cat USA Flag Sunglasses Funny Cat Lovers T Shirt. People would actively stop us just to tell her how beautiful she is, then turn to look at me and immediately turn back. It happened so many times, where people wouldn’t even lie, they just ignored me. I have countless stories of similar events or comments made. Now this might have broken me if it wasn’t for the fact that my mother is probably my biggest critic anyway and I have been hearing this for longer than my ability to form memories. So after a while I found chose to find these situations funny. Honestly OP, when I was 16-21, my self-esteem was so shit, I could have easily made the same choices as you. But (with the help of therapy) when I turned 22, I started sitting in front of a mirror everyday and telling myself “Who gives a shit if you are ugly? You have plans and goals. Work hard, build yourself up. You deserve better than this box you keep shoving yourself into.” It took a few years but the person I am today is stronger for it. I will probably never marry or find love but who gives a shit. I will travel, join fun activities, get to see my nieces and nephews flourish and I will explore life. I don’t need a Patriotic Cat USA Flag Sunglasses Funny Cat Lovers T Shirt to do any of that or to enjoy it better and I sure as shit don’t need to be pretty.
If this question were asked a Happy Cat Shirt of weeks later, I’d probably have photos to show. As it stands, you’ll have to put up with my descriptions. We don’t tend to do anything radically different to the rest of the world where Christmas decorations are concerned. Santa’s still wearing a big red suit, there are reindeer, even snowmen and plenty of artificial snow – some of which looks like cobwebs to me, but there you are. We still have Christmas trees covered in tinsel and with stars or angels on the top of them, depending on your preference. I’ve occasionally seen decorations which make a bit of a nod to where we actually are in the world. Santa-on-a-surfboard, kind of an idea. Several years ago, we had a tradition of driving around looking at the Christmas lights other people had put up, and I can definitely recall seeing images of koalas and kangaroos with Santa hats and the like. Overall, though, Christmas decorations tend to look like they’re from the northern hemisphere, since a lot of our “Christmas cues” come from that part of the world, regardless of how warm the day itself may actually be.
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