I’m skinny, flat chested, wore big round ugly glasses, have crooked teeth, and severe cystic acne for years. I’ve been called mosquito bite, four eyes, and pizza face. I was told no guy would ever be attracted to me (except the creeper old men who were attracted to me bc I permanently look underage) I actually had a little kid shriek in horror and ask “what’s wrong with your face?” when he saw my acne. Guess what? Even being ugly I still get harassed and still got abused. In fact, it felt like people could use my ugliness as an excuse to be as mean and nasty as they wanted. People don’t take me seriously. I’m constantly the Please make everything go well for me only for me cat shirt of someone’s joke.
You know what almost all Christmas ornaments are made in China. However, I will say there are different qualities within that. Not saying the Funny Cat Cat Girlfriend shirt ones won’t be decent however you will get what you paid for- they won’t last forever that’s for sure. I bought a bunch of decorations last year from a store in Australia along the same line as Walmart. I bought them for a DIY pool noodle wreath I decided to give a go (not crafty at all btw lol) anyway they were pretty ordinary some of them I had to throw away, very cheaply made but I got what I paid for. Every year we go to Pottery Barn to buy a couple of new special ornaments, it’s become a tradition. They are gorgeous and the quality is very good, still made in China. Bottom line is if you want something that’s going to last forever and look the same each year, pay a higher price point at either higher end department stores, one off boutique stores etc. My ornaments from places like Costco and Cracker Barrel etc still look good too. If how long they last doesn’t matter so much then go for the cheaper stuff. Thanks for the A2A.
Store: Catshirt